Friday, 16 September 2011

Meet the players.

The Hansa shopping centre was the location where this afternoon the season 2011-12 TPS roster was introduced to the fans. Arriving about ten minutes early, there was already a sizeable crowd present. On stage the TPS cheerleaders were performing. I believe they went by the name "Lola's Pussycats". I hope that's not a reference to the song by The Kinks.

Ahlqvist being interviewed.

After the cheerleaders had left, along with most of the casual shoppers in the crowd to whom limber dancing ladies are somehow more of a draw than professional sportsmen, it was time for the MC to chat to new head coach Pekka Virta, or as Google Translate likes to call him: Mr. Power. As there were no banks of phonebooths about, the team metamorphosed from civilian wear to TPS superstars by donning their jerseys off to the side. They had that look that sportsmen always seem to have in these situations. That despite excelling when playing in front of a crowd of thousands, they hope the ordeal of answering a few questions for some hundred fans and Friday afternoon shoppers will be over as soon as possible. First up were the goalies, with Aleksis Ahlqvist the player unfortunate enough to be standing nearest the MC. As with Virta, I couldn't understand a word he was saying, so I took some photos and made sure I clapped at the appropriate moments.

I was however treated to two interviews in English. The first was with Tomas Mojzis who mumbled just enough for me to understand every third word. The second was with Ryan Stone, who was asked the usual safe questions. If the only answer I can remember was about the similarities in weather between Turku and Calgary then it's safe to say there was nothing shocking revealed.

Not Ahlqvist being interviewed

After the interviews were over, the players hung around waiting for people like myself to ask them silly questions and have bits of paper and pens thrust in their face. There were surprisingly few takers so I asked Marek Schwarz if I could record a quick video of him saying hello to my Sparta supporting friend, G. Being the lovely chap that he is, he had no problems doing so, or if he did, he hid them well. Hopefully this sets a precedent requiring him to record increasingly bizarre videos for The TPS Hockey Blog as the season progresses. I also asked Marek if he knew Jan Krajicek. He said he did, but I'm not sure if he actually did or if he was just trying to be polite. Either way, it reflects well on Mr. Schwarz. Well done Mr. Schwarz, just as well we decided to pretend the first eleven seconds of last night's game never happened.

Any journalistic instincts I once had proved to have disappeared, and I flitted from player to player embarrassing myself through uncomfortable silences. Normally I would have asked about the previous game, but, well, it probably wouldn't have been the best of ice breakers. I bought a packet of SM-Liiga player cards at S Market yesterday which included Marko Virtala, but of course I neglected to bring it with me.

After dealing with the likes of myself, TPS should be able to take anything that Pori throw at them tomorrow night. Hopefully throughout the season I'll be able to shirk my responsibilities and head to the rink to bring you some proper interviews with some of the players.

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